HEG is The Industry Leader in K-12 Private School and Boarding School Sales
Overview of HEG's Client's K-12 Private Schools for Sale and Buyer Acquisition Opportunities
HEG is an international merger and acquisition consulting and advisory firm, focused exclusively on investments in the private education sector and one of the most active M&A consulting firms in the field with significant experience in the K-12, boarding high school, and post secondary market. We advise school and business owners and buyers from across the globe regarding the sale of their educational institution – be a K-12 school, boarding school, ESL language school, career college, or university. We have an extensive list of qualified buyers seeking to purchase businesses in a variety of markets and school types. These include corporate buyers seeking platforms or add-on acquisitions, high net-worth individuals, private equity firms, and/or other qualified parties interested in acquiring private schools. Additionally, in a select few occasions, HEG also advises buyers with their search and purchase of a private school, including:
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If you would like to find out more about our M&A services and buying, selling, or merging your K-12 private school, college, university, language school, or education business, or would like to find out more about the value of your school in today's market, please contact HEG by email at info@halladayeducationgroup.com or calling directly at +1-800-687-1492. Provided below is an overview of the schools HEG is currently representing in regard to their sale or school types buyers are seeking to acquire.
Provided below is a list of our featured K-12 Private Schools for sale by our clients.

寻求商机: 北美私立K-12 学校 - 美国或加拿大任何地方 (学校编号No. 2011)
学校总览:我们的客户正在出售他们的位于美国南加州的私立学校(PK-8),WASC认证,SEVIS认证,男女同校,IB国际文凭大学预科项目(DP)的全日制学校。学校有很高的声誉, 坐落在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市的一个占地16英亩的校园,是市场上唯一的一间IB学校。距今已有40多年历史,是当地市场上唯一的提供(IB)国际文凭课程。这个备受追捧的机会让买家可以进入备受欢迎的美国南加州教育市场,利用学校的I…
出售美国纽约长岛私立学校,大学预科, K-12学制, 教育部认证的盈利性全日制学校
利基市场(缝隙市场)及商机我们的客户正在出售他们备受尊敬的,位于纽约地区的K-12私立全日制日学校,为了便于学生在预科课程中受益,学校采用小班教学并且额外关注大学预科的教学。它是纽约长岛最强的独立日制学校,考虑到学生的语言的学习差异,校方寻求个性化教学,并被认为是其市场的领导者之一。过去的二十多年来,此校已成为是纽约州校务委员会(New York State Board of Regents)…
出售一间历史悠久位于美国东海岸, 学校认证委员会SEVIS认证的大学预备全日和寄宿中学(第2888号)
学校概况:我们的客户正在出售一间备受赞誉, 历史悠久的美国东海岸私立高中,此高中男女同校,Gr9 -12 PG,经SEVIS认证,独立学校,提供大学预科和寄宿制中学服务,其历届毕业生被美国及国际顶级大学录取。它以其悠久的寄宿学校教育传统为基础,坐落在一个占地100英亩、绿树成荫、距国际机场仅一小时车程的壮观校园内。这一备受追捧的千载难逢的机会,…