HEG is the Industry Leader For The Sale of Career Colleges and Universities
Overview of HEG's Client's Current Career Colleges and Universities for Sale and Buyer Acquisition Opportunities
HEG is an international merger and acquisition consulting and advisory firm, focused exclusively on investments in the private education sector and one of the most active M&A consulting firms in the field with significant experience in K-12 and post-secondary education market (career colleges and universities). We advise school and business owners and buyers from across the globe regarding the sale of their private school – be a K-12 school, boarding high school, ESL language school, private career college, or university. We have an extensive list of qualified buyers seeking to purchase businesses in a variety of markets and school types. These include corporate buyers seeking platforms or add-on acquisitions, high net-worth individuals, private equity firms, and/or other qualified parties interested in acquiring private schools. Additionally, in a select few occasions, HEG also represents buyers with their search and purchase of a private school, including:
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If you would like to find out more about our M&A advisory services and buying, selling, or merging your K-12 private school, post secondary school, language school, or education business, or would like to find out more about the value of your school in today's market, please contact HEG by email at info@halladayeducationgroup.com or calling directly at +1-800-687-1492. Provided below is an overview of the schools HEG is currently representing in regard to their sale or school types buyers are seeking to acquire.
Provided below is a list of our featured Career Colleges and Universities for sale by our clients.

出售加拿大安大略省高盈利职业学院,此院校是加拿大政府指定院校(DLI)- 学校编号3682
我们客户战正在转让一间位于加拿大安大略省多伦多市的职业学校。此学校是一间拥有国际完全认可的营利性职业学校。 它提供职业市场需要的专业证书和文凭课程,包括商业,IT,医疗保健,管理和酒店及旅游的研究生职业培训计划。学校有权颁发学习许可,可以招收国际学生,并为国际学生提供热门专业的的1年和2年文凭课程。他们在高等教育和技能发展部有注册并正在申请安大略省学生助理计划(OSAP)财务援助资格,…
学校总览:我们的客户正在出售一间备受追捧的私立职业学院,该学院位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(BC省)温哥华市中心。 他们拥有25年的往绩记录,学院设置了最受欢迎的兽医技术人员和兽医办公室助理的专业证书和文凭课程。首先,该学院是由高等教育部的私立培训机构处(PTIB)省级指定(“认可”)的 , 教育质量保证(EQA)指定的并且拥有加拿大移民局认可的指定教育机构DLI编号,…
求购 - 职业学院或大学 - 美国或加拿大任何城市(第2091号)
HEG 目前有一家投资公司希望在未来的12-24个月内在美国或加拿大任何一所城市投资购买一间职业学院或大学,投资额高达5000万美元。如果感兴趣的话,要求转让或销售的学校包括以下的先决条件:本科及研究生水平的课程,专业包括商科,计算机,医护等声誉卓越接收国际学生入学等候名单以保证学校的入学率学校必须是租赁或自由持有的财产学校有一定的发展空间国际学生入学美国学校必须持有I-20签证*…
目前有一个绝佳机会令您拥有一家利润丰厚的美国西部私立大学,此私立学院拥有令人垂涎的WASC认证,SEVP认证和Title IV批准,可提供联邦支持的学生贷款。学校的地理位置极佳,它位于美国西部一个日益发展的主要城市市场中,可租用或购买占地10英亩,130,000平方英尺的校园。这间私立学院被认为是目前本地教育市场上顶级的高等教育机构之一。它在硕士,…